Bridgerton Bouquet
This sophisticated and elegant bouquet is a lavish presentation of a sweet surprise. With two signature chocolate roses, you can enjoy the medley of sweet flavors and crunchy textures. Cased together in a cylindrical box, the presentation of your gift will be stylish and refined for your special person.
What’s Included
• 1 Rose Bud Shaped Chocolate (13g / each)
• 1 Rose Bloom Shaped Chocolate (18g / each)
Chocolate Flavors
• Assorted: Milk / White / Gold (Caramel) / Ruby (Berry) / Pink (White Chocolate + Organic Strawberry Powder) /Purple (White Chocolate + Organic Blueberry Powder)
* For additional allergy information, click here
• Case Size: 2.75" x 15.5"
Please note: Each gift arrangement is prepared by hand with handmade chocolates. Due to its handmade nature, our arrangements may vary slightly in design, color, or appearance from product images.
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