Choco Gala

Mother's Day Bouquet


Send something truly special this Mother's Day with our special edition Mother's Day Bouquet. 10 of our signature Belgian chocolate roses and 1 Belgian milk chocolate Teddy Bear lollipop elegantly blossom out of a handcrafted Ivory box. Every Mother's Day Bouquet also comes with a "Best Mom Ever" milk chocolate bar to remind your mother that she is loved and appreciated!

Includes free luxury shopping bag with purchase.

Each Bouquet includes:
10 Chocolate roses: Rose Bud (13g)   Rose Bloom (18g)
1 Teddy Bear Lollipop (16g)
1 Best Mom Ever Chocolate Bar (42g)

Chocolate Flavors

  • Milk
  • White
  • Gold (Caramel)
  • Ruby (Berry)
  • Pink (White Chocolate + Organic Strawberry Powder)
  • Purple (White Chocolate + Organic Blueberry Powder)

Bouquet Size: 6” x 9” in. 
Window Bag Size: 5.5" x 5.5" x 9.8"

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

My sister loved it!

Rachel Wells
Perfect gift

My sister loved the bouquet of chocolate roses! Loved the variety of flavors!

Beautiful & Yummy

This would have been a 5 for me, but really just a 3.5. I ordered early to ensure all my items arrived a few days before Mother's Day (May 14). I ordered 3 of this Mother's Day Bouquet. I was disappointed to find that when the order arrived a week before I was missing 2 best mom chocolate bars. After 2 emails to customer service they finally sent me the missing 2 bars, but it did not make it in time for Mother's Day. It arrived in the evening of May 15. Now I have extra chocolates that melted on the way to me. The "ever" portion melted. I guess I am keeping these for myself. It's too late to give it out since I already gave the bouquet's out. I would give you a chance again, maybe.


The chocolates came so beautifully and tasted delicious!! Put together very nicely.

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